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​I'm Ana Carolina, a yoga teacher certified by the Unmani Yoga Shala Institute in Brasília, trained in the history and literature of yoga, mythology of asana and a yoga practitioner since 2014. I study hatha yoga long before mine training for teachers and working with the methodology of integrative yoga, somatic movements and other tools that were passed on to me during these years of search. I keep looking for other ways to deepen knowledge through ayurveda, sound healing and aromatherapy.

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My path to yoga

      If you want to know more about my history with yoga it starts before 2014 in the middle of my adolescence when I felt strange chest pains, dizziness, and confused feelings which led us to see a cardiologist. I was diagnosed with arrhythmia and started therapy. I learned to live with this feeling that came and go. A little older, feelings that I considered normal began to intensify, I lost my vitality and the will to live. In my early 20s I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder and depression. Partly because of the family and religious context in which I was inserted, another part because I didn't know how to manage my thoughts and emotions. Since I was a child, I have been very sensitive to the things that happen around me.

      The feelings reached an extreme peak, I started having panic attacks, mental burnout and suicidal thoughts, I was prescribed medicine and more therapy.

Too young to be going through something so serious my therapist recommended finding a yoga studio as she knew learning relaxation and breathing techniques would help me with treatment. 

I confess that as I was very reluctant but I was really tired and wanted to change my life.

I took the class and I never (as long as I can remember) felt so good, after that I didn't stop practicing.

      The months went by and the more I got to know yoga the more I found myself on a path of no return to my awakening. I learned to manage my thoughts, to see myself integrated, I empowered my body and took responsibility for the life that was offered to me. I went through a difficult and beautiful transformation that I am very proud to be able to tell. I learned valuable lessons and I would never be where I am if I hadn't gone through them.

I started studying by myself and teaching some techniques to my friends. It was fun and everyone always encouraged me to be a teacher. The year I decided to take a training course to deepen myself I got pregnant and life took another beautiful turn, I became a teacher in the same year I became a mother. And becoming a mother was another lesson book that opened. It was the door to finding my most divine self. 

I've always been linked to spirituality, even more to question why of every little thing that exists, philosophy has always been with me, even before I knew what philosophy was, as well as everything that is mystical.

      I started in the ancient knowledge of ancestral peoples in 2020 and this is another very beautiful chapter . 

     My journey took me to where I am today, a path I always knew would lead to peace and healing, starting for me and today for those who come to my life.

The Surya Yoga Project

Surya in Sanskrit is sun, and as the sun always returns, even after darkest nights, so knowledge has become in my life, that's why the name of the project is so special to me. 

When I decided to become a teacher, I confess I did not imagine what would happen in the world would be so fast. It was the week of my return to yoga classes that we had the first lockdown. The year of 2019 was the beginning of the third big turning point in my life, it was when the Surya Yoga Project was born, starting with 60 days (from Sunday to Sunday) of free online classes to help people during the pandemic and now to a place on the coast of Bahia where we go receive yoga retreats and permaculture experiences.

My wish is for the sun to manifest itself in more people, bringing light, knowledge, healing and freedom.


Alice Salermo - Itália

O yoga para mim é um desafio e levo ele para outras práticas esportivas do meu dia-a-dia. Mas busquei o yoga por precisar de mais calma. Apesar de eu me considerar "séptica",  durante as aulas  me senti tão 'tocada' que tentei segurar o choro. Eu gostei de saber mais sobre a filosofia e teoria do yoga e a forma que a Ana conduz, com uma energia tão boa em um lugar tão mágico que é Itacaré é incrível.

Elenice, professora de yoga - São Paulo

Comecei a fazer yoga para me curar de dores físicas e mentais. Foi a meditação que me libertou dos ansiolíticos. Hoje também sou professora de yoga pois é incrível como essa técnica ajuda as pessoas. Às vezes vou fazer uma aula com a Ana, seu trabalho é lindo e inspirador, sempre me conduz a um espaço puro dentro de mim.

Sofia M.

Fui fazer yoga porque me diziam melhorar a ansiedade. Comecei a me importar mais com o alongamento e hoje ele faz parte da minha rotina diária que auxilia no meu bem estar geral.
Nas aulas da Ana eu gostava de ouvir a história por trás das práticas, de como a aula era conduzida e como eu conseguia relaxar nesses momentos quando estava com ela.

Karina, advogada - Belo Horizonte

Fiz duas aulas particulares com a Ana quando eu estava de férias em Itacaré. Voltei para BH onde pratiquei um pouco mais de um ano com ela em aula particular online. Sentia paz, relaxamento e energia. Aprendi a respirar, o que foi valioso para mim. É uma experiência especial!

Simone, Massoterapeuta - Itacaré

Só de fechar os olhos hoje, sinto a energia reverberada em luz. Sinto o sopro do amor da Vida, através da sabedoria do seu cantar. Sua condução e energia que nos movimenta para o bem!
 Saudade daquela incrível experiência celebrando a primavera com uma prática de yoga em uma oca cheia de mulheres em sua condução.

Thaís - Brasília

As aulas particulares são perfeitas para quem precisa de um olhar atento durante o processo inicial do yoga. Eu falei o quanto era ansiosa e o que estava acontecendo comigo por causa disso. As aulas foram pensadas em mim. Meu sono melhorou e aprendi a lidar com momentos de ansiedade. O yoga transcende o corpo, sinto a alma e a mente voltarem a se equilibrar.

Sunny Casarrubbia - Argentina

Hice yoga en muchos lugares del mundo y nunca me he sentido mejor que en las clases de Ana. Las canciones, los mantras y todos los pequeños detalles. Estoy aprendiendo, limpiando y creciendo. Salgo de la clases sintiéndome viva, completa y más fuerte. Gracias, gracias, gracias. que todos los seres sean felices, ahora y siempre. 

João, Educador Físico - Brasília 

Eu sou muito grato pelo encontro que tive com a Ana mesmo só virtualmente. Sou educador físico e incorporo muitos asanas na minha prática. Tive muitos aprendizados em um período turbulento. Vi a cura através do movimento e também na minha vida.
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